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Golden Garuda Dzi
Golden Garuda Dzi

Golden Garuda Dzi

Guardian of temples and spiritual places. Powerful protection. Avoid diseases and pains, dispel sickness, evil and bad luck. Help to avoid all confusion, danger and unwanted happenings. Lead away from disasters and disturbance.
RM1,288.00 MYR RM0.00 MYR

SKU: 182640

Guardian of temples and spiritual places. Powerful protection. Avoid diseases and pains, dispel, sickness, evil and bad luck. Help to avoid all confusion, danger and unwanted happenings. Lead away from disasters and disturbance.
Weight 165 g
Dimension 11.3 × 35.4 mm
DZI Family Golden
Dzi Functions Protection
Price Range RM1,000 - RM1,999