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Ancient & Antique Dzi

The longer the Dzi exist in this world, the more potent it becomes. Many antique Dzis which are rare and unique is only available in Dzi Kingdom  as it is very hard to obtain from them from Tibet and the Silk Route.

The cosmic energy of these Dzis are strongest (its wisdom grows with time and generations) and can be as old as 1000 years of age. These dzi come in different material, shapes and sizes depending on the ancient maker. These collection normally consist of weathering mark or better known as a scaly surface on the dzi surface. It will also show signs of growing line forming a second eye on the if it is blessed by a guru and purified. The surface can be matt, oily or has waxy sheen but not too glossed.


The milky white design or motif on the dzi comes from internally (cannot be scraped off) and NOT like it is hand-drawn. This type of Dzi have the highest value and very precious. Little is known about how ancient dzi (1000 years of age) are made as the tools are not as sophisticated then (that’s correct! they are all handmade since hundred or even a thousand year ago).

Cosmic Energy The antique Dzi gives off 3 times more magnetic energy than ordinary crystal, noted to be at 12-13 volts. Still, it has a gentle effect on the body. Some individuals with keener senses may feel a slight jolt, pulsation, numbness or giddiness when initially handling the dzi.


Degree of Perfection: Generally the dzi should be intact and quite well preserved, slight chips or damage on a Dzi is acceptable unless broken in half or scarred badly, which means it has protected you from danger or calamities and has loss its talismanic properties. A perfect antique Dzi hardly exists. Real dzi changes in appearance by the day when they come into contact with the body as a result of different reactions.

Cinnabar Dots

The precious cinnabar spots on the dzi are the iron elements exist in the mineral, and they have exposed to the atmosphere for a long period. They are developed inside out through the pores in the mineral. Some of them are light brown and some are dark red.


The small red spots as you can see on the dzi are the cinnabar spots, you can survey them by 10X or 20X magnifier, a few cinnabar spots on the dzi can be seen by naked eyes, but they are very rare. The cinnabar spots are natural. Natural cinnabar spots are developed from inside of them, not just cohered on the surface.


Contrasted to the normal dzi, cinnabar dzi are rare and that’s why they are so precious. Prices of cinnabar dzi are many higher than normal antique dzi.