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Antique Phurba Dzi
Antique Phurba Dzi

Antique Phurba Dzi

Slaying of negative emotions such as anger, subdues evil spirits and negative energies, transforming them into positive forces. Protector of your goods and possessions. Abolish anger, bad desires, ignorance, jealousy and pride and turn them around into positivity.
RM2,688.00 MYR RM0.00 MYR

SKU: 179843

Unlike the category of Dzi named after certain areas or monastery, Antique Dzi category is the most general batch of Dzi where it could be found wearing by the Tibetans during festivals all over Tibet regardless of places or areas.

It is loved by all Tibetans.

Weight 165 g
Dimension 13.4 × 36.1 mm
DZI Family Antique
Dzi Functions Protection
Price Range RM2,000 – RM2,999