Luck: ★
In 2025, the Ox Zodiac is influenced by the Hua Gai star (Artistic Creativity), enhancing artistic creativity but fostering a solitary mindset that may harm relationships. With several unfavourable stars, it's crucial to be cautious of accidents, surgeries, and health issues.
Recommended Dzi:
Combo 5:【Remove Obstacles】(Phurba Dzi)
运程指数: ★
肖牛者踏入2025年,今年只有【华盖】吉星,力量薄弱,艺术才华得以发挥,灵感不绝。 亦有孤芳自赏,不利感情,自我为中心,人际关系不如理想。今年也有众多凶星降临,提防意外,开刀或血光之灾,多注自己的身体健康。
【息灾解难】双天珠组合 (Combo 5) ◆ 金刚杵天珠
Luck: ★
In 2025, the Ox Zodiac is influenced by the Hua Gai star (Artistic Creativity), enhancing artistic creativity but fostering a solitary mindset that may harm relationships. With several unfavourable stars, it's crucial to be cautious of accidents, surgeries, and health issues.
Recommended Dzi:
Combo 5:【Remove Obstacles】(Phurba Dzi)
运程指数: ★
肖牛者踏入2025年,今年只有【华盖】吉星,力量薄弱,艺术才华得以发挥,灵感不绝。 亦有孤芳自赏,不利感情,自我为中心,人际关系不如理想。今年也有众多凶星降临,提防意外,开刀或血光之灾,多注自己的身体健康。
【息灾解难】双天珠组合 (Combo 5) ◆ 金刚杵天珠